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Seeds starting with: G

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Gaillardia pulchella 'Dazzler Mixed' ™
Stunning bright double mixture. Cream, pink, rose and orange flowers, many bi-coloured, are produced all summer. Ideal bedding and border plant...
Geranium bohemicum 'Orchid Blue' ™
An excellent first year flowering plant with masses of blue flowers. Great for ground cover...
Geranium pratense 'Splish Splash'  ™
Unique blue flecks on each petal. Ideal for borders and landscaping...
Geum flore plena 'Blazing Sunset'  ™
Earlier and more prolific flowering than any other variety with good plant vigour throughout the whole production process. ..
Geum flore plena 'Sunbeam' ™
First year flowering perennial. Formula blend of 'Blazing Sunset' and 'Sunrise'. Flowers in early summer and will rebloom if cut back. Extremely large flowers can be up to 8cm /3" across. ..
Thompson & Morgan Wholesale, supplying wholesale seeds and vegetative breeding products, is part of Branded Garden Products Ltd.
Registered Office: Thompson & Morgan, Poplar Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3BU. United Kingdom.
Company No: 358372. VAT Registration Number: GB 637 8510 20.
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