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Seeds starting with: B

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Beetroot 'Rainbow Mix'
Visually stunning 5 variety beetroot mixture; also available as separate colours. Wash young roots, peel and slice raw into salads to add colour.The stems and leaves make excellent salad ingredients, but can also be steamed. Baby roots are ideal for pickling, whilst mature roots can be steamed. ..
Begonia gracilis 'Pretty in Pink' ™
The 'Hollyhock' Begonia; with an unsual plant habit. Attractive pink flowers produced on slender stems. Ideal for pots and small containers. ..
Begonia hybrida 'Pink Splash' ™
A seed raised version of Dibley's Pink Shower. Masses of pink flowers cascade down the plant all summer. Each leaf has a fine but attractive red border. Ideal for pots and hanging baskets. ..
Berkheya multijuga 'Golden Spikes' ™
Large bright golden yellow flowers adorn this first year flowering perennial.Ideal for containers and garden borders or as an architectural plant.Final garden height 60cm (24 inches)...
Bidens humilis 'Golden Eye' ™
Basket plant with fern like foliage and bright yellow flowers...
Bidens humilis 'Golden Nuggets'
A double flowered Bidens from seed with a collarette flower. Masses of strong yellow flowers produced above attractive foliage. Heat tolerant plants are ideal for baskets and containers. ..
Brussels Sprout 'Falstaff' ™
A novel purple/red sprout which retains its colour even after cooking. Milder, nuttier flavour than standard green types. ..
Thompson & Morgan Wholesale, supplying wholesale seeds and vegetative breeding products, is part of Branded Garden Products Ltd.
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Company No: 358372. VAT Registration Number: GB 637 8510 20.
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