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Calendula officinalis 'Apricot Twist' ™
Fully double apricot flowers on compact tidy plants. Great for bedding...
Calendula officinalis 'Bronzed Beauty' ™
Unique cream to deep peach flowers with contrasting black eye. Easy direct sow annual that can be used as a cut-flower. Ideal as a border bedding plant...
Calendula officinalis 'Lemon Cream' ™
Attractive pale yellow and cream bicoloured edible flowers...
Calendula officinalis 'Lemon Twist' ™
Fully double compact plants ideal for bedding and containers...
Calendula officinalis 'Mandarin Twist' ™
Fully double compact plants ideal for bedding and containers...
Calendula officinalis 'Orange Button' ™
Unusual contrasting flowers with red centres. Edible...
Calendula officinalis 'Tangerine Cream'
Attractive orange and cream bicoloured flowers. Ideal in borders and edible...
Callistephus chinensis 'Blue Ribbon' ™
A compact bedding Aster with fully double violet blue flowers with a white stripe...
Callistephus chinensis 'Harmony' ™
A compact bedding Aster with fully double blend of soft colours with flowers up to 7cm ..
Callistephus chinensis 'Red Ribbon' ™
A compact bedding Aster with red and white cushion shaped bicolor flowers...
Callistephus chinensis 'Rococo' ™
Fully double large paeony flowers up to 10cm across ..
Callistephus chinensis 'Star Pink' ™
Striking 'spider' type Aster with large 12cm flowers Masses of flowers are produced to make a complete carpet of colour Ideal for use in containers or bedding Final garden height 50cm / 20in   ..
Callistephus chinensis 'Star Violet' ™
Striking 'spider' type Aster with large 12cm flowers Masses of flowers are produced to make a complete carpet of colour Ideal for use in containers or bedding Final garden height 50cm / 20in   ..
Callistephus chinensis 'Tricolore' ™
A bright strong blend of patriotic colours ..
Campanula lactiflora 'Dwarf Pink' ™
A first year flowering Campanula, with a dwarf habit and attractive soft pink flowers...
Campanula wanneri 'Violet Belle' ™
Naturally compact mound forming plants covered in masses of violet bell shaped flowers. ..
Cardiospermum halicacabum 'Green Lanterns
An unusual climber which produces large green balloons approx 7cm across. The green seed pods then mature to a burnt orange colour to add interest. ..
Cat Grass 'Tabby' ™
Not just an outstanding seasonal ornamental or accent plant, variegated gat grass provides vitamins and fibre for your cat's diet. Edible for humans, too; used just like wheatgrass, variegated cat grass can be freshly juiced or dried into powder. ..
Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball' ™
Deep mauve double flowers produced in clusters make this an interesting cut flower...
Centaurea cyanus 'Fireworks' ™
Highly effective bright mixture of red, white and blue. Great as a cut flower or even as a border plant...
Cephalaphora aromatica 'Pineapples' ™
Attractive bright yellow, pom-pom flowers complemented by pale green foliage, which releases an apple fragrance when brushed against...
Cerinthe major purpurescens 'Purple Belle' ™
Very attractive plant with purple- blue flower heads on deep blue green bracts ideal for bedding and containers...
Chaenorrhinum origanifolia 'Blue Eyes' ™
Dwarf and compact mound shaped plants covered in mid blue flowers, very well suited to 9cm and 1 litre pot production...
Chrysanthemum carinatum 'Bright Eye' ™
Bright white flowers with contrasting red and yellow ring. Easy direct sow annual that can be used as a cut-flower. Ideal as a border plant...
Thompson & Morgan Wholesale, supplying wholesale seeds and vegetative breeding products, is part of Branded Garden Products Ltd.
Registered Office: Thompson & Morgan, Poplar Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3BU. United Kingdom.
Company No: 358372. VAT Registration Number: GB 637 8510 20.
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