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Containers and Baskets

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Primula malacoides 'Beauty Deep Pink' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Primula malacoides 'Beauty Lilac' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Primula malacoides 'Beauty Mix' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Primula malacoides 'Beauty Pink' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Primula malacoides 'Beauty Rose' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Primula malacoides 'Beauty Salmon' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Primula malacoides 'Beauty White' ™
A specially selected series of six colours for earlier flowering. These short lived spring flowering perennials are ideal for containers...
Rhodochiton atrosanguinea 'Bell Vine
A rapid growing climber producing masses for flowers. The small parasol shaped fuchsia pink calyx have black/purple flowers within them. Excellent for pergolas and trellises. ..
Rudbeckia hirta 'Ruby Ruby'
Unique colour in a compact double flowered Rudbeckia. Excellent in borders and as a cut flower. Heat tolerant with a long flowering season. ..
Salad Leaf Herby Mix ™
A good mix herb leaves to add interest to salads. Ideal for sequential sowing and suitable for containers. ..
Salad Leaf Oriental Mustard Mix ™
An interesting mix of flavours, can be sown all round and ideal for sequential sowing. ..
Salad Leaf Stir Fry ™
A balanced mix of tastes, colours and textures. Ideal for sequential sowing and suitable for containers. ..
Salvia napifolia 'Baby Blue' ™
Neat compact plants with soft blue lavender flowers. A first year flowering perennial well suited to containers and production in a 1 litre pot...
Salvia roemeriana 'Red Dwarf' ™
A compact first year flowering perennial Salvia covered in bright red flowers throughout the summer. Ideal for 1 litre pot production and containers...
Scabiosa ochroleuca 'Pixie Yellow' ™
Attractive pale yellow flowers, produced over compact plants. Ideal for containers...
Sedum ussurience 'Turkish Delight' ™
Deep burgundy, almost black foliage with carmine red flower umbels. Excellent in containers and pots...
Silene pendula ‘'Peach Blossom'’ ™
A very floriferous basket and container plant covered in double peach blossom blooms. ..
Tagetes patula 'Amber Glow'
Compact and floriferous plants with bright amber flowers each with a yellow border. Ideal for pots, containers and borders. Good value, effective bedding plant, good performance all summer. ..
Tagetes patula 'Bambino'
Bright orange and yellow bicoloured flowers are produced on compact plants. Ideal for the front of the border or in containers. ..
Tagetes patula 'Colossus'
Small compact plants produce huge orange/red bicoloured flowers. The flower heads are larger than a golf ball. Ideal for the front of the border or containers. ..
Tagetes patula 'Mr Majestic Double' ™
The old favourite Mr Majestic but in double form. Ideal for bedding and containers...
Tagetes patula 'Mr Majestic' ™
Highly contrasting striped flowers. Perfect for bedding and excellent in containers. Fleuroselect Novelty Award...
Tagetes patula 'Pots of Gold'
An exclusive blend of French Marigolds, including three fiery colours - golden, striped and a fabulous vibrant red. Bushy plants produce masses of single flowers atop tall sturdy stems which have a uniform height, making them perfect for borders and containers. Attractive to bees and butterflies. ..
Tagetes patula 'Solan'
Wonderfully contrasting rich orange and dark red flowers produced on compact plants throughout the summer. Ideal for the front of the border and containers. ..
Thompson & Morgan Wholesale, supplying wholesale seeds and vegetative breeding products, is part of Branded Garden Products Ltd.
Registered Office: Thompson & Morgan, Poplar Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3BU. United Kingdom.
Company No: 358372. VAT Registration Number: GB 637 8510 20.
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